Two Rhodes mathematics majors recently presented posters at the annual Joint Mathematics Meeting, known as the world’s largest mathematics gathering. The virtual event was held in January.
Lawton Walker received honorable mention for his poster titled “The Hilbert Series of O(2); Deriving the Formula for a Generic Weight Vector and Implementing the Mathematica Algorithm to Compute It,” based on work he did as part of a summer research fellowship. Walker is continuing the work for his senior seminar project, supervised by Dr. Chris Seaton, professor of mathematics.
“Working on research with Professor Seaton was an incredibly enjoyable experience that has helped prepare me for graduate school and my future career,” says Walker.
Evuilynn Nguyen presented a poster titled “The Kernel of Newform Dedekind Sums,” based on work she conducted as part of a Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program hosted by Texas A&M University this past summer.
“I am extremely grateful for the Rhodes mathematics department and the amazing professors who have helped me over the years,” says Nguyen. “Dr. Seaton, especially, has been a supportive guide throughout the entire process."
Both students are seniors and pursuing minors in computer science.