Dr. Sarah Rollens, the R.A. Webb Professor of Religious Studies at Rhodes College, has been appointed as the next executive editor of the Journal for the Study of the Historical Jesus. Rollens will share this role with Dr. Robert Myles of Wollaston Theological College in Australia.
The journal, published by Brill, provides an international forum for the academic discussion of Jesus. It investigates the social, cultural and historical context in which Jesus lived; examines the history of research on Jesus; and explores how the life of Jesus has been portrayed in the arts and other media.
Rollens is widely published in the study of early Christianity, and she recently co-edited and contributed to Worth More Than Many Sparrow: Essays in Honor of Willi Braun (Equinox, 2023). Her articles also have been featured in Harvard Theological Review, Studies in Religion/Sciences Religieuses, Journal for the Study of the Historical Jesus, Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses, Method & Theory in the Study of Religion, and Biblical Theology Bulletin, among others.