Rollens Co-Edits New Book, Judeophobia and the New Testament: Texts and Contexts

head and shoulder image of Sarah Rollens

Dr. Sarah E. Rollens, associate professor and chair of religious studies at Rhodes College, has co-edited, with Dr. Eric Vanden Eykel of Ferrum College and Dr. Meredith Warren of the University of Sheffield, a new book titled Judeophobia and the New Testament: Texts and Contexts. It will be released in April by Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company.

According to the publisher: Throughout, the book’s goal is to educate readers about the ways that New Testament texts have been used to engender Judeophobia from the early church to today. While the book is designed primarily as a resource for teachers and students, it also aims to help New Testament scholars account for Judeophobic interpretations, take responsibility for them, and encourage the discipline to work against its own role in rising anti-Jewish rhetoric and violence.

On March 25, the editors will participate in a book launch and panel discussion for the Rhodes community. 

Rollens serves as co-executive director of the Journal for the Study of the Historical Jesus and is widely published in the study of early Christianity.