Rhodes College sophomore Dania Verbena is the recipient of the Premio “Joven Inspiración Guatemalteca” (Young Guatemalan Inspiration Award) from the Congress of the Republic of Guatemala and Jóvenes Artistas por la Justicia Social. This award is presented to young individuals for their innovative leadership and transformative impact on society.
Originally from Esquipulas, Guatemala, Verbena came to Rhodes as a SHE-CAN scholar, a program that provides leadership training and opportunities for women to make an impact in the world. She is the founder of the “Girls Also Matter” Program in her hometown Esquipulas, Guatemala, aimed at empowering girls in rural areas of the region. Also, as a representative of the Youth Observatory in Chiquimula—a space created by The Carter Center in Atlanta, GA—Verbena promotes democratic values and youth political participation through social audits. In 2023, she received the National Young Leadership Award from Desafío Joven, recognizing her contributions to politics, citizen participation, and community development in Guatemala.
At Rhodes, Verbena is pursuing a double major in international studies and Latin American and Latinx studies and is a research fellow for Memphis Cartonera, a cooperative publishing house that works in sustainable ways to promote literacy and mentorship to students in Memphis. As a Rhodes Student Associate for International Students, she oversees the recruitment, selection, and training of 15-20 International Peer Advisors. In addition, she participates in Model UN.
Off campus, Verbena provides mentoring to Girls on the Run Memphis participants, who gain leadership skills while preparing for a 5K run.