Dr. Shadrack W. Nasong'o, professor of international studies at Rhodes, is co-editor of the new book African Immigrants and the American Experience: Race, Anti-Black Violence, and the Quest for the American Dream (Lexington Books, 2023) with Imali J. Abala and Kefa M. Otiso.
According to the book’s site: Divided into three sections, each chapter focuses on these main themes: race and anti-black violence, educational attainment among African immigrants in pursuit of the American dream, and African immigrant’s socioeconomics, health, and well-being. Through research and first-hand accounts, the contributors provide perspectives of what it truly means to be a sub-Saharan African immigrant in the United States.
Born and raised in Western Kenya, Nasong’o is a prominent critical voice on African politics and has been widely recognized for his prolific research and scholarship on Africa.