Rhodes Earns 4.5 Out of Five Stars On Campus Pride Index

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Rhodes College scored 4.5 out of five stars on the Campus Pride Index, which rates colleges and universities nationally based on institutional commitment to LGBTQ-inclusive policies, programs, and practices.

The Campus Pride Index takes into consideration non-discrimination statements inclusive of sexual orientation and gender identity/expression, gender affirming health care, LGBTQ+ peer mentorship programs, campus safety trainings on sexual orientation and gender identity, LGBTQ-specific major and course offerings, and the presence of LGBTQ and ally student and faculty organizations.

See how Rhodes fared.

Rhodes is committed to a diverse faculty, staff, and student body and an inclusive campus community. Since 2010, the college’s LGBTQ+ Working Group has fostered a community which promotes belonging, empowerment, and growth for people of all genders and sexualities through advocacy and community building.