The Rhodes College Lynx have a new look. The college has unveiled a reimagined set of logos representing the Lynx athletic brand. The primary logo shows the Lynx with the iconic “M Bridge," to illustrate the key partnerships and deep relationship between Rhodes and its home city.
“I can’t wait to see our student athletes in action with their new uniforms. I’ve been at Rhodes for 30 years; this is a pivotal moment for the Lynx. Our commitment to the new brand shows the importance of intercollegiate athletics here at Rhodes,” Director of Athletics Matt Dean says.
The new athletics brand guide is the result of a year-long project. Student athletes and coaches participated in the process through on-campus focus groups. It was in these groups that student athletes shared the idea to include a nod to Memphis in the logo. In a national survey of prospective college students, the final designs received high marks.
“Our strategic plan calls for increased visibility and support for our Division III athletics program. Our research showed that a more distinctive Lynx brand would better represent the strength and spirit of our athletic program. We have 23 NCAA sponsored sports, but we compete as one Rhodes,” President Marjorie Hass says.
The college’s new athletic brand guide gives our coaches a variety of uniform and apparel options to use for their teams. In addition to the main lynx logo, there is a new version of the Lynx Head as well as a secondary logo––a shield bearing the distinctive Rhodes R.
The new logos will be phased into use over time. The new logo has been painted on the court in Mallory Gym, since the floor was due to be refinished this summer. However, the turf on Crain Field, and other locations won’t be updated until they are due for upgrades. Team uniforms will be updated on their current schedule. But all practice gear will carry the new brand.
The Rhodes College Bookstore has updated its online portal with new apparel options.