Strickland Receives Award for Fraternal Excellence

head and shoulder image of Anne Strickland

Anne Strickland, director of student engagement at Rhodes College, recently received the Award for Fraternal Excellence from Kappa Alpha Order at its annual convention held in Orlando, FL.

This award, granted by a majority vote of the order’s executive council, recognizes a faculty member, higher education staff member, or administrator for excellence and achievement in support of or in service to a member, a group of members, a chapter, or Kappa Alpha.

Strickland began working at Rhodes in 2021 as director of fraternity and sorority life and played an instrumental role in Alpha Epsilon chapter’s return to Rhodes. “At every turn, Anne went above and beyond to provide exceptional support to our alumni, staff, and the new undergraduate members of the chapter,” said the presenter at the awards event.
Strickland worked at William & Mary as a coordinator and then as assistant director in the Office of Student Leadership Development before coming to Rhodes. She is a member of Alpha Delta Pi Sorority.