
Asked to choose one word to describe the David Lusk Gallery on its opening night this past February, some might say festive. Or maybe, gleaming. Joyous. Spacious. Modern.

Since 1996, the Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity Symposium (URCAS) has been showcasing students’ work to the campus.

Rhodes sophomore philosophy major Kimberly Macharia has accepted a highly sought after spot in the Creative Mind Group at Cannes Internship Program.

Essays, lab reports, compositions, journals, research papers, short stories—these are the types of writing assignments high school students must produce. But the words they choose and the way to express them on the page don’t always come that easy.

At the Campus Life Awards ceremony on April 19 hosted by the Rhodes Student Government, members of the Rhodes community were recognized for their excellent level of commitment and passion.

On a study abroad trip to Spain, Sarah Baumann ’16 found her passion. During her free time, she would sit and draw the sights around her.

Mulitple victories of Rhodes sports teams

Competitive Scholarship Awarded to 54 Students Nationwide

On April 14, Rhodes College President William E. Troutt announced his intention to retire in June 2017, after 18 years as president of the college.

Four Rhodes seniors have been selected to receive Fulbright U.S. Student Awards for the 2016-2017 academic year.