
Catherine Prabish won first place for her oral presentation, and Jack Harper received honorable mention for his poster presentation at the Arkansas IDeA Network of Biomedical Research Excellence Conference held in November.
Dr. Timothy Huebner, provost and vice president for academic affairs at Rhodes, is the 2024 recipient of the John T. Hubbell Prize for best article published in the past year in Civil War History.
Rhodes Mock Trial Team A won the inaugural Texas Showdown, an invitational tournament hosted by the University of Texas School of Law Nov. 16-17. Top teams from across the nation competed.
Julie Gehrki, a member of the Rhodes Class of 2002, has been named president of the Walmart Foundation and promoted to senior vice president of philanthropy at Walmart.
Biology major Sophie Snodgrass ’26 knew she wanted to be a veterinarian from early childhood, and at Rhodes she is gaining invaluable hands-on experience with giraffes, rhinos, zebras, and other exotic animals through internships at the Memphis Zoo.
Dr. Michael LaRosa, associate professor of history, is a leading expert on Latin American history and culture. His latest book, co-written with Rhodes alumnus Bryce Ashby, is Immigration, Policy and the People of Latin America: Seven Sending Nations.
Rhodes College sophomore Dania Verbena is the recipient of the Premio “Joven Inspiración Guatemalteca” (Young Guatemalan Inspiration Award) from the Congress of the Republic of Guatemala and Jóvenes Artistas por la Justicia Social.
Rhodes College’s 2024 alumni awards were presented during Homecoming/Reunion Weekend Nov. 1-2. They are MaryKay Loss Carlson ’81, Kimberly Macharia ’18, and Darrell Cobbins ’97.
Rhodes Mock Trial Team Black won the invitational tournament hosted by Missouri State University November 1-3.
Dr. Michael Nelson, professor of political science at Rhodes College and a recognized presidential scholar, will provide an analysis of the 2024 election results during a one-time class offered by the college’s Meeman Center for Lifelong Learning.