Huebner Receives Prize for Best Article Published in Civil War History Journal

Dr. Timothy Huebner, provost and vice president for academic affairs at Rhodes, is the 2024 recipient of the John T. Hubbell Prize for best article published in the past year in Civil War History. The awarded is presented annually by The Kent State University Press and the winner determined by the journal’s prize selection committee.

Dania Verbena ’27 Receives Young Guatemalan Inspiration Award

Rhodes College sophomore Dania Verbena is the recipient of the Premio “Joven Inspiración Guatemalteca” (Young Guatemalan Inspiration Award) from the Congress of the Republic of Guatemala and Jóvenes Artistas por la Justicia Social. This award is presented to young individuals for their innovative leadership and transformative impact on society.

Distinguished Alumni Awards Presented

Rhodes College’s 2024 alumni awards were presented during Homecoming/Reunion Weekend Nov. 1-2. MaryKay Loss Carlson ’81 is the recipient of this year’s Distinguished Alumni Award, and Kimberly Macharia ’18, is the recipient of the Distinguished Young Alumni Award. Darrell Cobbins ’97 received the BSA Distinguished Alumni Award.

Mock Trial Team Wins Invitational Tournament at Missouri State University

Rhodes Mock Trial Team Black won the invitational tournament hosted by Missouri State University November 1-3. Captain Amelia Rursch was named a double Outstanding Attorney and captain Cece Warhurst was named an Outstanding Witness. Grant Carpenter and Quincy Griffone also won outstanding witness awards.