Rhodes is one of a select few liberal arts colleges that provides in-person, credit-bearing courses designed to help incarcerated students obtain their bachelor’s degree. The program is the brainchild of religious studies professor Stephen Haynes: “At the beginning, our mission was more exploratory, to try to figure out If what we offered at Rhodes in terms of a liberal arts experience was transferrable. We found that it was, and that we could create a prison learning environment that really serves students.”

From biomathematics to biology, a longstanding partnership between Rhodes and St. Jude Children's Research Hospital provides students a window into world-class research and scientific advancement with real-world applications. “This partnership is incredible because we do so many different things that strengthen experiences that Rhodes students have by intersecting them with researchers and faculty over at St. Jude,” says Dr. Mary Miller, chair of biology at Rhodes College. “And in turn, St. Jude researchers intersect with our students and strengthen their own experiences. It’s a relationship where all parties benefit and enrich each other.”

Since its creation in the 1940s, the Rhodes College Archives has served as a resource for learning and reference, and that legacy continues to grow under the watchful eye of Associate Director of Library Services Bill Short '71.

Renowned author Charlaine Harris '73 continues to create beloved characters across genres to great acclaim.

After an extraordinary 38 years, Debra Manning reflects on her time at Rhodes.